Attributions and terms for webfonts used on character set chart pages
Used for Private Use Area and for some SVG-rationalised combining sequences in some columns of Korean or Japanese set tables.
Nishiki-teki version 3.82b, from, © 2008-2021 Umihotaru. Terms of use (in Japanese; mirror).
TW Fonts
Used for Supplementary Private Use Area in Traditional Chinese set tables.
TW-Sung-Plus and TW-Kai-Plus version 103.1, from CNS11643中文標準交換碼全字庫, © 2018 National Development Council. The Open Data is made available to the public under the Open Government Data License, User can make use of it when complying to the condition and obligation of its terms. Open Government Data License:
That package is also the source of the “GOV-TW” data. I’m using TW-Sung-Plus as an embedded WOFF2 webfont (favoured due to its good compression due to the sheer size of these fonts) if this works on your end. The full data package was rather annoying to download, since it kept cutting the connection; note however that Debian has a mirror of just the fonts.
These fonts cover only Supplementary Private Use Area A (SPUA), ASCII, and characters used in their localised font names. Fonts covering the BMP and SIP are also provided in the full package but, since they are standard Unicode assignments rather than private use, other fonts for those assignments exist.
BabelStone Han PUA
Used for Private Use Area characters in some tables. (c) Copyright 1994-1999, Arphic Technology Co., Ltd.; (c) Copyright 2009-2023, Andrew West. 1999 Arphic Public Licence (mirror).
I’m using Alexander Lange’s Quivira as a webfont to provide improved symbol character support compared to what a given (possibly mobile) device might ship with. The author writes the following on the font’s home page:
Therefore, to not block further advancement, Quivira is from now on (2019) in the Public Domain, so that others can extend it, alter it, or use the existing characters for own, even more comprehensive fonts.
Hanazono Mincho B
For the Supplementary Ideographic Plane, I’m using Hanazono Mincho B (licence) as a WOFF2 webfont here, although not at the top of the stack.
Last Resort
I’m using Last Resort at the end of the font stack for Private Use Area characters to prevent them displaying with other PUA fonts in case of, say, use of a locally available earlier version of a referenced PUA font.
Original design by Apple Inc.; block additions by Michael Everson, Apple Inc., and Unicode, Inc. © 2020–2023 Unicode, Inc. This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This Font Software is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the SIL Open Font License for the specific language, permissions and limitations governing your use of this Font Software.